Matthis Bird Quilt

Matthis Bird Quilt
In the 1960's, my great uncle Gladston Matthis (A.K.A Uncle Doodle) mail ordered a quilt pattern from Progressive Farmer magazine. The iron transfer embroidery pattern contained 50 state birds. My great grand-mother, Eva Mae Ezzell Matthis, completed this quilt for Doodle. For many years after her passing in 1970, Doodle kept the quilt in his room and would occasionally show it to visitors. In the early to mid 1990's, Doodle hung the quilt up (with nails ~cringe~) in the family room. It was especially enjoyed during the annual family reunion each June.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Calling all Voluteers

We now have 37 state bird squares, ready to sew. I have spent the day cutting out patterns, scanning them, and ironing onto the cream colored muslin. I'll be putting together some packages to be sent out over the next few days.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Final Count: 13 States with No Pattern

My first review was not thorough enough... Now I really have done a complete comparison of our pattern to Eva's quilt. There are 11 states that don't match and two states that we don't have. We'll be busy enough with the other 37 states until we can find a later version of the pattern.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Search Continues

I found another pattern for sale on ebay today. This has the name of the pattern maker, which is Laura Wheeler. That should help in the ongoing search for patterns. Sadly, this pattern is missing Alaska and Hawaii and also appears to have North Carolina as a Chickadee.